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Hypoplasia of tooth enamel

/ Hypoplasia of tooth enamel

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Hypoplasia is the most common pathology of the hard tissues of the tooth. This disease strikes at the enamel and dentin, most often requiring serious treatment. The disease is diagnosed in half of the children suffering from chronic metabolic disorders that occurred in utero or after birth.

Features of the disease

Hypoplasia is a defect that disrupts the development of hard tooth tissues. The development of pathology falls on the period of formation of the rudiments of milk or permanent teeth. At the same time, hypoplasia is not associated with the development of carious processes.

Symptoms of hypoplasia

A classic manifestation of the disease is the heterogeneous color of tooth enamel, its thinning, or a change in relief. Indentations of various shapes and sizes appear on the teeth: these can be both small points and entire furrows.

Another sign of hypoplasia is manifested in the fact that in the process of eruption the teeth differ from each other. Whitish, yellowish or brown spots are observed on the enamel.

The manifestations of the disease largely depend on the causes of its development:

  1. If hypoplasia is caused by minor metabolic disorders, it manifests itself only as barely noticeable whitish spots on the enamel.
  2. In severe pathology, serious disorders can occur, leading to a partial or complete absence of tooth enamel.
  3. As a rule, those suffering from this disease are primarily concerned about the aesthetics of the teeth, because the front teeth are most often affected. A child with hypoplasia smiles with his mouth closed, covers himself with his palm when talking, feels uncomfortable in society. Due to the fragility and defective formation of dental tissue, caries can quickly develop in a child.

If hypoplasia leads to the absence of tooth enamel, the use of cold, sweet and hot can be accompanied by severe pain. Severe forms of the disease are also dangerous problems with chewing food.

The lack of qualified treatment of hypoplasia leads to violations of the formation of dentin, damage to the pulp and internal tissues of the tooth. Diagnosis of hypoplasia is possible only through histological examination.

Treatment of hypoplasia

The specificity and procedure of treatment directly depend on the form and severity of the disease:

With single spots on the teeth and the absence of severe pain, complex treatment is not required.

  1. If hypoplasia affects the chewing teeth or manifests itself in the anterior group, a comprehensive diagnosis of the oral cavity is necessary. It may be necessary to fill the affected teeth with a special composite material.
  2. With a systemic form of the disease, dental treatment is prescribed, as well as an examination by an endocrinologist, therapist, infectious disease specialist.
  3. If a serious defect in the formation of dental tissue is detected, a full examination by a dentist is necessary, followed by the appointment of an individual therapy plan.

Delaying treatment is not recommended, as in some cases the disease can lead to serious damage to most teeth. Only an experienced dentist can prescribe a competent treatment that can quickly restore the health of your teeth and your self-confidence.


  • Hypoplasia of tooth enamel
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