All on implants!

/ All on implants!

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The case when all teeth are on dental implants. The patient has no one natural tooth! If there are no teeth left or only one toothless jaw, dental implantation is an effective method of restoring the functionality and appearance of the oral cavity. The optimal ratio of quality, durability, and aesthetics is prosthetics in a concept "All on 4" and "All on 6".

The concept "All-on-4" is a patented technology. It implies that two dental implants are installed on the front and two on the sides. They provide the foundation for the installation of fixed bridge prostheses. Prosthetics on four dental implants require minimal surgical intervention.

If there is a bone deficiency and for reliable fixation of the prosthesis, the doctor can recommend the concept "All on 6 implants". The All-on-6 concept was developed on the basis of the previous one, taking into account the disadvantage associated with bone atrophy. This concept implies the placement of six dental implants in the upper jaw and fixation of fixed bridge prosthesis to these implants using dental cement or screws. It is an excellent way to restore all the teeth on one jaw. 

The implantation is performed by making an incision and inserting the root element into the bone. Two implants are installed in the front and two on the sides. The load is spread most evenly. It is the advantage that provides prosthetics "All on 6". Even if there is a shortage of bone tissue, additional supports effectively distribute the pressure when chewing. During the installation of dental implants uses deeper layers of bone tissue, prosthetics are "All 6" is more reliable, has a high degree of primary stability, and does not depend on the degree of atrophy of bone tissue. The location of the abutment at an angle is ensured a correct installation of the prosthesis. The fixation of the structure is possible 2-3 days after implantation.

The result of dental implantation using the concept "All on 4" or "All on 6" is highly aesthetic. Patients note personal comfort, lack of foreign body sensation in the mouth, and normal diction after finishing the treatment. The bridge prosthesis on implants guarantees the ability to return to normal nutrition.

The patient was very pleased with getting the result. Now the patient can smile, show a perfect smile, and be confident in any situation.


  • All on implants!
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  • All on implants!
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  • All on implants!
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