The initial patient situation.
The patient came from abroad. During the first visit, lasted one week, the following were done: all teeth removed, In-Kone Tekka (Global D) implants were installed on the lower and upper jaw, and conical abutments fixed in the oral cavity during the surgical stage of treatment.
Then, on the same day, impressions were obtained from the abutment level, and within 48 hours, metalacrylic restorations were made with screw fixation - on the lower jaw with support on 6 implants, on the upper jaw with support on 3 implants.
The second visit of the patient after 5 months from the first visit. During the second week of treatment, the following was done: the following was done: constructions from zirconium oxide in full anatomy multi-player with staining cemented on the upper jaw and screw fixation for the lower jaw were made. Modeling in Exocad, further export to CAD inLab, milling on inLab MCX5.
Photo report of work