Myths about dentures

/ Myths about dentures

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Medicine is a scientific field in which there are many amazing stories, many of them far from the truth. When a person is ignorant of a subject or is afraid of a certain procedure, it is easier to believe the stories of friends who have happened to acquaintances than to try to understand the subject or to consult a specialist.

And here we are going to take a look at the most popular myths that are associated with dentures.

Myth 1: Prosthetics are expensive!

Very often patients postpone dentures and live in constant discomfort associated with missing teeth, only because they do not even try to study the issue in more detail. Only the phrase "It's expensive!" is played out in the mind, and it doesn't come to a cost calculation.

In fact, the price depends on several factors:

  • Type of denture
  • Prosthetics method
  • The material from which the prosthesis is made
  • It is always possible to find an option that suits your clinical case and financial capabilities

Myth 2: Prosthetics are only for the elderly

When it comes to dentures, we immediately imagine the image of a dentures in a glass on the nightstand next to the bed. But time goes on, medical technologies and materials are improving and the abundance of prosthetic methods allows us to choose the best option for each patient. And we are not just talking about the elderly. Did you know that veneers are also a type of prosthetics (microprosthetics)?

Myth 3: The denture process takes too long

The longest phase of dentures is the preparation of the oral cavity, because it is necessary to treat all diseased teeth and to carry out oral hygiene, which can indeed take quite a long time. But if you carefully monitor the condition of your teeth, do not skip preventive check-ups and conduct a professional dental cleaning once every 6 months, then you have nothing to fear. The preparation phase will not take much time.

Myth 4: If you can't see your missing teeth, you don't have to do anything

Few people think about the consequences that incomplete teeth entail, but the result of such neglect can make life much more difficult in the future. Teeth begin to change their position, the bite changes, bone atrophy occurs and this is an incomplete list of the changes that await the body.

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