What to do if your teeth are crumbling

/ What to do if your teeth are crumbling

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Have your teeth begun to crumble, causing you to have to hide your smile or chew your food very slowly and carefully? Yes, crumbling teeth cause a lot of trouble. In this article, we'll tell you why crumbling teeth in children and adults, how to deal with it, and how to repair them.

Why crumbling teeth in adults

  • Neglect of oral hygiene. Teeth crumble due to poor and irregular brushing at home and lack of professional oral hygiene and preventive check-ups. As plaque and tartar form, teeth become brittle and quickly develop decay, which slowly but surely destroys them.
  • Improper nutrition. Excessive consumption of sweets (carbohydrates) is not only bad for your figure, but also for the health of your teeth.
  • Bite abnormalities and dental integrity abnormalities.
  • Infrequent visits to the dentist
  • General health. If you have chronic diseases of the body, dental problems appear as well. Especially in the case of endocrine diseases such as diabetes. It is not uncommon for it to cause crumbling teeth and gum inflammation.
  • Ecology. Poor water quality, radiation, high levels of chemicals in the air, along with an unbalanced diet and poor metabolism soon lead to tooth decay.

What to do if a wisdom tooth is cracked

Not only can the front and active chewing teeth crumble for the reasons listed above, but so can the eight teeth. In addition, the reason that a wisdom tooth has crumbled is also due to its position. It often grows with difficulty, growing at an angle, resting against the adjacent tooth. It is almost impossible to clean it properly, let alone to cure it. In this case, the "eight" should be removed to prevent the destruction of the adjacent tooth and inflammation.

Crumbling teeth during pregnancy

The baby in the womb receives large amounts of calcium from the mother's body for its development. This, among other things, affects the condition of the pregnant woman's teeth. Therefore, an integral part of the daily diet of the expectant mother should be milk, cheese, cottage cheese or yogurt to make up for the deficit of this important mineral.

To strengthen the enamel and to prevent tooth decay, it is necessary to follow such measures as:

  • Take care of your oral hygiene at home, rinse your mouth after eating something sweet or sour
  • Have your teeth cleaned and strengthened with calcium and fluoride by a dentist twice a year for a checkup and a comprehensive dental hygiene routine
  • Eat mostly healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals
  • Give up bad habits: biting nails and other objects, and smoking
  • Drink clean drinking water with normal mineral content

Your dentist will choose the appropriate technique to restore the integrity and natural appearance of your tooth. The choice depends largely on the extent of the damage.

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