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Diastema Correction Methods

/ Diastema Correction Methods

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Classification of teeth gaps

Diastemas are gaps of any size between the anterior central incisors. Tremas are gaps between any other teeth in the upper or lower jaw. Gaps between lower anterior incisors are rare, but gaps between upper central teeth can be seen several times more often. In many cases, the presence of a diastema of this kind provokes serious psychological discomfort, interfering with the harmonious socialization of patients.

Depending on the type of teeth - milk or permanent, there are false and true gaps between them. False teeth gaps are observed in children - such defects disappear on their own along with the change of teeth. True gaps are formed precisely between permanent teeth and they can be removed only by resorting to the specialized help of a dentist. Doctors advise starting to correct such defects immediately after they occur, since then this will require much less time and effort.

Gap between teeth: what should be done?

If you have a very small diastema, then a visit to the dental clinic can wait. However, even a small gap should be monitored regularly by a doctor, as gaps tend to grow over time. However, if the diastema is large, it is best to visit a dentist as soon as possible. This defect can contribute to the development of caries, malocclusion, gum disease, etc. Various methods of diastema correction have been developed. Usually, the doctor carries out treatment on an individual basis and selects a method that will be most effective for a particular patient. The technique is chosen based on the reasons for the appearance of a gap between the teeth, the size and degree of development of the tooth gap, the wishes of the person himself.

The use of artistic restoration

For some patients, aesthetic artistic restoration of teeth is indicated to eliminate the diastema. This is a therapeutic intervention, during which composite microprostheses (veneers) are installed on two central incisors, between which there is a gap. The doctor uses a filling material that matches the natural shade of the patient's enamel and builds up additional volume of hard tissues on the two central front teeth. To undergo this procedure, it is enough to visit the clinic only once.

During the restoration of the tooth, the doctor restores its shape and function. The presence of colored deposits and cracks in the enamel, other signs of destruction of dental tissue does not play any role, since most of the visible dental tissue is removed. Then its natural shape, color and functional properties are formed using composite materials (extension method). If the root of the tooth is damaged, it is first treated, and the restoration is carried out only at the next stage. If pathologies associated with the root of the tooth are not detected, then in 5-6 hours a qualified doctor is able to restore at least 4-5 teeth. However, if the dentist first works with the root of the tooth, then further manipulations are carried out after at least two days.

An important advantage of artistic restoration is its complete painlessness. Another important advantage of this method is its safety, so it has a minimal list of contraindications. Restoration of teeth can be carried out for women even during pregnancy.

Surgical plastic

For many patients, the determining factor in choosing a diastema removal technique is the cost of therapy. Be sure to take into account your financial resources when, together with your doctor, you will choose a method for correcting a tooth gap. Choose the method that suits you best, but do not save on your health, otherwise you may not achieve what you want and spend even more money on eliminating the negative consequences of unsuccessful treatment.

A tooth gap can also be removed with the help of surgical plastics. This technique involves the installation of dental crowns. Dentists correct the defect by placing porcelain veneers or crowns on the front teeth. Such an intervention allows you to achieve an excellent aesthetic effect that lasts for many years. Some disadvantage of this technique is its rather high price.

If for one reason or another you cannot use this technique, the doctor can fill the front teeth with a corrective purpose, as a result of which the gap will be eliminated. Pay attention to the above method, if the diastema occurred a second time or the installation of staples did not bring the desired.

Orthodontic correction methods

Orthodontic methods of diastema correction are not unreasonably considered the safest, most effective and sparing (they allow you to save a maximum of healthy dental tissues). However, their conditional disadvantage can be called a high duration of treatment. Malocclusion is eliminated in stages - for this, bracket systems are used. Orthopedic treatment is primarily indicated for children and adolescents whose permanent teeth have replaced their milk predecessors in the near past. Braces are special orthodontic structures that are attached to the teeth from the inside (invisible braces) or the outside. How long do you need to wear braces? This is determined by the doctor on an individual basis, but usually the treatment continues until the bite is completely corrected (from 6 to 24 months). It is best to install braces when the jaw is actively growing.

Also, the dentist can recommend you mouth guards - these are transparent small covers for the teeth. Mouthguards contain information about the normal shape and size of teeth. These devices are made in such a way that they shift individual teeth in the required direction, restoring their correct position. The result of this is that the teeth come closer to each other and the diastema is eliminated. Mouthguards have a transparent base, so they are even less visible on the surface of the teeth than braces.

The advantage of mouth guards is that they can be removed while eating. What's more, since they are filled with whitening compound inside, using this method, you will not only eliminate the gap between the front incisors, but also brighten the tooth enamel. It will also add to the beauty of your smile and save you the hassle of additional whitening treatments.

Orthodontists are indispensable if a person has been diagnosed with any other malocclusion besides a diastema. Metal braces are considered affordable and reliable for most patients.

Surgical methods

The surgical method of eliminating the diastema is used if the reason for its development is that the frenulum of the upper lip is attached too low. The doctor corrects the bridle, which serves to connect the jaw and lips, which in the future stimulates the correct growth and position of the teeth. This technique is most commonly used in pediatric dentistry.


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