Comprehensive rehabilitation with the manufacture of a prosthesis using ‘ALL-ON-4’ technology

/ Comprehensive rehabilitation with the manufacture of a prosthesis using ‘ALL-ON-4’ technology

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Comprehensive rehabilitation with the manufacture of a prosthesis using ‘ALL-ON-4’ technology on the upper jaw and the manufacture of 12 crowns on the lower jaw.

The patient applied to the dental clinic with the last hope for the restoration of a smile and a chance to return to normal life. On the upper jaw, there were old crowns, movable teeth, and a clasp prosthesis that caused constant discomfort. The condition of the teeth on the lower jaw was better, but due to periodontitis, several teeth had to be removed.

The patient lived far from the clinic, so all stages of treatment were carried out comprehensively with maximum efficiency.

During the first visit, all the failed teeth on the upper jaw were removed, and four Nobel Biocare implants (Sweden) were installed according to the ‘ALL-ON-4’ concept, as well as impressions were taken for the prosthesis. A temporary non-fixed prosthesis was installed on the same day.

A control examination of the upper teeth, simultaneous tooth extractions, and placement of three dental implants on the lower jaw were performed on the next visit. The patient stayed at home for the next 3 months, with control calls once a month. After a month, the temporary prosthesis on the upper jaw was replaced with a reinforced permanent prosthesis.

All the teeth on the lower jaw were prepared for installation full-ceramic and zirconium crowns on the teeth and implants.

After three days, the patient was completely rehabilitated according to the most modern protocol without heavy operations, long waste of time, and unnecessary visits to the clinic. This is how a satisfied patient looks, and now there is no reason NOT to Smile!


  • Comprehensive rehabilitation with the manufacture of a prosthesis using ‘ALL-ON-4’ technology
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  • Comprehensive rehabilitation with the manufacture of a prosthesis using ‘ALL-ON-4’ technology
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  • Comprehensive rehabilitation with the manufacture of a prosthesis using ‘ALL-ON-4’ technology
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  • Comprehensive rehabilitation with the manufacture of a prosthesis using ‘ALL-ON-4’ technology
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  • Comprehensive rehabilitation with the manufacture of a prosthesis using ‘ALL-ON-4’ technology
    Image №5

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